Capillaroscopy workshop in Baden Baden, Germany

Optilia Instruments demonstrated the latest in Capillaroscopy technology at the Capillary Microscopy Workshop in Baden-Baden. The event was held on March 9 2012 at ACURA Rheumazentrum.

The workshop, which was led by Dr. med. Oliver Sander, had theoretical and practical parts. Participant practiced Capillaroscopy on the nail fold of patient's hands and feet. Thanks to the design and portability of the Optilia microscope, this was carried out conveniently without the patients getting uncomfortable. Together with the latest OptiPix Capillaroscopy software featuring patient database and comparison of live and still image, this practical session resulted in great success.

For questions regarding the above event, feel free to contact Joseph Cederferm:

Baden Baden Workshop

Published: 4/18/2012